Fixed an issue that caused existing renders to be overwritten without warning on Windows.Fixed an issue that caused renders to be sent to incorrect destination folder on Windows.Resolved an issue that caused misestimation of render output file size.Fixed an issue that resulted in an error message when render is resumed after being previously stopped.Fixed an issue resulting in an incorrect error message when user stops a render in progress.Fixed an issue that caused rendering of After Effect projects that use C4D renderer or Cineware to fail with Dynamic Link.Fixed an issue with Draft 3D that caused blank or offset comp content when resizing panel or changing magnification in auto-resolution mode.Fixed an issue with Ground Plane that caused 3D grid lines to have inconsistent thickness.Fixed an issue with Composition toolbar that prevented new composition from inheriting the 3D renderer used in previous composition.Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when using Hand tool when the Fractal effect has been applied to a layer and has focus.Fixed an issue where Cache Frames When Idle may start when a plugins UI was active in the foreground which could cause the plugin to respond slowly or hang.Fixed an issue where Adjustment Layers would not be copied correctly from After Effects to Premiere Pro.Fixed an issue with Text layers that prevented copy pasting South Asian and Middle Eastern text into a text layer that previously housed Roman or Greek characters.Fixed an issue where the Preserve RGB option in the Interpret Footage options was not preserved when opening projects saved in After Effects 17.7 or earlier.Fixed an issue where PNG files with an embedded ICC profile were not being rendered correctly when the Linearize Working Space option was enabled for the project.Fixed an issue where re-linking a multi-layer PSD file would produce an invalid buffer error if one of the layers was deleted.Fixed an issue with sync settings that caused After Effects to crash on quit after downloading the preferences.Fixed an issue that caused After Effects to crash when starting audio only preview while using Draft 3D.Fixed an issue with CryptoMatte plugin that caused After Effects to crash if EXR sequence was larger than the composition.

Adobe ae 2018 remove duplicate frame windows#

Adobe ae 2018 remove duplicate frame pro#
Fixed an issue where After Effects would crash while using Apple SF Pro font version 17.1d1e1.Fixed an issue that caused Cache Frames When Idle to use system resources inefficiently.